How to Create a Custom Token in MEW Wallet


TSWIFTY is a new token that is available on the Binance Smart Chain network

The tswifty token website can be found here: tswifty logo

swiftdemand users have been given the opportunity to swap their swifts for TSWIFTY tokens. Users wishing to take advantage of this needed to register a wallet address with the TSWIFTY bot before 30th March 2022 in order to exchange swifts for TSWIFTY's on a 1:1 trade rate.

An airdrop took place on 1st April 2022. Users that had registered a wallet address could then see their TSWIFTY tokens on

This guide shows:

How to Setup a Custom Token in MEW Wallet

There are a few pre-requisits:

Note: by default MEW wallets are on the Ethereum network.

Step 1:

Check that you can see your TSWIFTY tokens on the Binance smart chain, which you can find here

Paste the wallet address that you sent to the TSWIFTY Bot into the search bar:

BscScan Screen Shot

You will then see a summary of your wallet:

BscScan Walltet Screen Shot

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select BEP-20 Token Txns from the menu. If you can see your TSWIFTY tokens as below, you are go to proceed!

BEP-20 Tokens Screen Shot

Step 2:

Open the MEW Wallet browser plugin on your desktop device and click the "My Wallet" button:

Mew Browser Plugin Screen Shot

Step 3:

Click on the 3 dot menu on the wallet you imported from your mobile device and select "Access"

Accessing The MEW Wallet

Step 4:

Click "+ Custom Tokens"

Add Custom Token

Step 5:

Verify that you have the correct contract address that is posted on the main page of

Paste the TSWIFTY contract address into the first box

Type TSWIFTY into the second box

and then type 18 into the third box

and then click save:

Add Custom Token 2

You will then see the custom token that you just set up

Note: It will always show an amount of zero here because:

Eventually, when everything is sync'd 'TSWIFTY' will be a clickable link that takes you to an Etherscan page. Click on the black circle:

Etherscan Page 1

Select the 'BscScan' link:

Etherscan Page 2

Click on the token traker in the 'More Info' box

Token Traker

You should now see the BscScan page showing the TSWIFTY Token:

tswifty token on BscScan Page

You've confirmed that you have successfully setup the custom token! Now, to view and interact with the new token, we need to go over to MEW Web and the MEW Wallet app' on your mobile device... Read on:

How to View TSWIFTY tokens in your wallet

Step 6:

Open the MEW Wallet app on your mobile device.

Make sure it is connected to the Binance Smart Chain network

Step 7:

Open MEW web on your desktop device from here: Mew Web

Click the 'Access My Wallet' button

Access My Wallet 1

Click the 'MEW Wallet' link:

Connect Mew Wallet

Step 8:

With the MEW Wallet app open on your mobile device and the mobile camera pointing at the QR code, click the camera icon in top right corner of the screen.

After a few seconds, your mobile device should display a 'Connected' screen and a 'Disconnect' button. At the same time, the browser window should now show your Wallet connected to MEW Web

If your mobile fails to connect with MEW Web, try turning WiFi off on your mobile and try reconecting again over your mobile network.

Check that it is connected to the Binance Smart Chain:

Mew Web 1

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and you should be able to see your tokens.

My Tokens

If the tokens are not showing, the network hasn't quite synchronized with your wallet yet Dont Panic! If that is the case follow the steps below to make sure that you can see your tokens.

Step 9:

If you can't see your token on the main dashboard screen of MEW Web, click the 'Swap' button on the left hand side of the sceen

Mew Swap

On the right hand side of the screen, you should a box with 'My Tokens Value' click the '+1' symbol in the circle

My Tokens 2

A pop-up windo will appear showing your tokens

My Token 3

As long as you can see your tokens, everything is fine and you should be able to see you tokens from the main dashboard screen of MEW Web as soon as the network has sychronized with your wallet.

TSWIFTY Price on PooCoin